Program 2023

All times are in CEST (Central European Summer Time), CEST = UTC + 2 hours
Conference language: English
Time slots: 20′ for oral talks + 10′ for discussion; 5’ for poster presentations
DAY 1 (Thursday 26.10.2023)
13:0013:30Presentation of the participants (Astronomical Observatory on Kolonica Saddle)
13:4014:00Opening CeremonyMária Kulanová
Introductory presentationsLecturer
14:0014:30Highlights of the last year in the Astronomical Observatory on Kolonica SaddlePavol Dubovský
14:3015:00Recent progress in the astronomical infrastructure of the the Astronomical Observatory on Kolonica Saddle – Excursion in the area of the observatory.Robert Adam
15:0015:30Coffee break
15:3016:00Poster sessionLecturer
Estimation of parameters of the new eclipsing variable HD 182144 using TESS dataVladyslava Marsakova
BVR-study of new eclipsing variable star HD 182144.Viktoriia Krushevska
Photometric and colorimetric studies of target objects using small amd medium-size telescopesYana Markus
Using Photometric Patterns for Spacecraft Rotation Axis Determination.Leonid Shakun
16:0018:00Exhibition of new educational programs in planetariumRobert Adam
16:0018:00Paralel session for the investigators involved in the grant APVV- 20-0148 “From Interacting Binaries to Exoplanets”Theodor Pribulla
18:0019:00Transport and accommodation in the hotel Armales
19:0022:00Conference dinner in Hotel Armales
DAY 2 (Friday 27.10.2023)
09:0009:30Transport to the Astronomical Observatory in Kolonica Saddle
Scientific Paper Session I.
Variable stars research
Chairman: Š. Parimucha
09:3010:00Spectroscopy of binary and multiple starsTheodor Pribulla
10:0010:30V1674 Her after the 3rd season of observationsPavol A. Dubovský
10:3011:00Modeling and analysis of selected light curves of B-type subdwarfs in binary systemsKarolina Jarosik
11:0011:30Coffee break
11:3012:00Analysis of the superhump’s period changes of the new WZ Sge-type star TCP J07094936+1412280Sergey Shugarov
12:0012:30Orbital and pulsational variability of symbiotic novae PU Vul and RT SerVladyslava Marsakova
12:3013:30Excursion to the local factory producing buckwheat flour (in Kolonica village)
13:3014:00Transport to the hotel Armales in Stakčín
14:0015:00Lunch break
Scientific Paper Session II.
Other astrophysical areas, astrotourism and astronomical education
Chairman: G. Stachowski
15:0015:30Precession of the orbital planes and rotational axes in transiting exoplanetsDmytro Orikhovskyi
15:3016:00Application of Algebraic Geometry Methods for Image Construction in Gravitational LensesAlbert Kotvytskiy
16:0016:30Deep learning classification of eclipsing binariesŠtefan Parimucha
16:3017:00Coffee break
17:0017:30Astros Solutions’ network of small telescope for variety of applicationsMatej Zigo
17:3018:00AI in astrophotographyRobert Barsa
18:0018:30Children’s astrocamp as a part of Dark Sky Park project “Treasures of the Ilyinets Crater”Yuliana Kuznyetsova
20:0022:00Astronomers in the world – Reports on astronomer’s traveling experiences
DAY 3 (Saturday 28.10.2023)
09:0010:00Conclusions and Closing ceremony