Program 2022

All times are in CET (Central European Time), CET = UTC + 2 hours
Conference language: English
Time slots: 15′ for oral talks + 5′ for disussion
DAY 1 (Wednesday 26.10.2022)
13:0013:30Presentation of the participants (hotel Kamei) 
13:3013:40Test of the online conference platform 
13:4014:00Opening Ceremony 
Introductory presentations 
14:0014:20Milestones from previous editions of the Kolos conferenceIgor Kudzej
14:2014:40Development strategy plan for the Astronomical Observatory on Kolonica SaddlePavol Dubovský
Scientific Paper Session I.
Variable stars research – cataclysmic variables
Chairman: Š. Parimucha
14:4015:00Nova Cas 2021 – Live coverage of outburstĽubomír Hambálek
15:0015:20V1674 Her – the fastest novaPavol A. Dubovský
15:2015:40RX J2133.7+5107: the fastest spin-up of all known intermediate polarsVitalii Breus
15:4016:00New cataclysmic variable of WZ Sge type: ASASSN-20ca.Vladyslava Marsakova
16:0016:20Dwarf nova V503 Cyg: TESS observationsElena Pavlenko
16:2016:40Research of a number CVs in Period GapAleksej Sosnovskij
16:4017:20Coffee break 
Scientific Paper Session II.
Variable stars research – symbiotics and other types
Chairman: S. Zola
17:2017:40Scalegram Analysis of Pulsating Variables: Influence of the Kernel (Weight) FunctionIvan L. Andronov, L.L.Chinarova, L.S.Kudashkina.
17:4018:00Outbursts of symbiotic binariesAugustin Skopal
18:0018:20Photometric and spectroscopic behaviour of symbiotic system AX PerseiPavol Mártonfi
18:2018:40Spectroscopical study of selected T Tauri starsĽubomír Hambálek
18:4019:00WD1145+017: Alternative models of the atmosphere, dust clouds, and gas ringsJan Budaj
19:0022:00Welcome party 
DAY 2 (Thursday 27.10.2022)
Scientific Paper Session III.
Variable star research – eclipsing binaries
Chairman: Ľ. Hambálek
09:0009:20Kopal, Kolonica & Contact BinariesBartlomiej Debski
09:2009:40BU CMi – the tightest known co-planar quadrupleTheodor Pribulla
09:4010:00Search for invisible bodies in eclipsing elliptical systemsIgor Volkov
10:0010:20Apsidal motion in AS Cam, no discrepancy with theoryIgor Volkov
10:2010:40New features in software OCFitPavol Gajdoš
10:4011:00Slovak Virtual ObservatoryStefan Parimucha
11:0011:30Coffee break 
Scientific Paper Session IV.
Other astrophysical areas, cosmology
Chairman: P. A. Dubovský
11:3011:50Krakow Program of QSOs monitoringStaszek Zola
11:5012:10MADASTRA: Modelling the Particle Acceleration at Cataclysmic ShocksVladimir Zekovic
12:1012:30Investigation of the physical origin of multiwavelength variability in accreting compact objectsRadoslava “Atre” Bodnárová
12:3012:50Research project on variability and changes in angular radio structure of AGNs with and without extended jets on the European VLBI radio interferometer (EVN) with participation of Latvia, Ukraine and SlovakiaArtem Sukharev
12:5013:10Features of the motion of components in jets of active galactic nuclei according to radio astronomical observationsDaniil Zabora
13:1013:30Poster session3 min. for each presentation
  Multicolor photometry of the dwarf nova ASASSN -19ocViktoriia Krushevska, Sergey Shugarov
  Extragalactic novae from the Mayer 0.65-m telescope in Ondřejov in 2022 (till 10th October 2022)Hana Kučáková
  Some difficulties with the Dark Mater ConceptMartin Abrahamyan
  History of Photometry at the Hlohovec ObservatoryKarol Petrík
  Short period eclipsing starsGreg Stachowski
  Education in astronomy for children and popularization of astronomy in UkraineYuliana Kuznetsova
  Scale-Adaptive Running Sine Approximation with Trend. Application to Pulsating VariablesViktoriia O. Borshchenko, Ivan L.Andronov
13:3014:30Lunch break 
14:3015:00Transport to AO on Kolonica Saddle 
15:0016:00Review of the observatory equipment 
16:0018:00Panel discussion – Integration of Slovak astronomical observatories in common research projects. Mainly for investigators involved in the project APVV-20-0148 Chairman: T. Pribulla
16:0018:00Parallel program for the rest of the participants – full dome presentations and astrophotography performance.Chairman: R. Adam
18:0019:00Transport back to hotel Kamei 
19:0020:00Dinner break 
20:0022:00Presentations dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the professor V. P. Tsesevich (11.10.1907-28.10.1983)Chairman: I. Kudzej
  V.P. Tsesevich: Remembered ForeverNickolay N. Samus
  V.P.Tsessevich and radioastronomy in OdessaMikhail Ryabov
  Vladimir Platonovich Tsesevich (11.10.1907-28.10.1983): An Outstanding Scientist and Poet of the Stellar Sky (Memorial)Ivan L. Andronov
DAY 3 (Friday 28.10.2022)
Scientific Paper Session V.
Space research, solar system, geophysics
Chairman: K. Petrík
09:0009:20Astros Solutions sensor network and sensor coordination function statusMatej Zigo
09:2009:40Space debris observation programs of AGO70 telescope situated at the Astronomical and Geophysical Observatory in ModraJiří Šilha
09:4010:00Photometric approach to observing the taxonomic characteristics of asteroidsAlexandra Kravtsova
10:0010:20Peculiarities of geomagnetic variations appearance in the area of location of radio telescope “URAN-4” IRA NASU and the Odessa geomagnetic anomalyMikhail Ryabov
10:2011:00Coffee break 
Scientific Paper Session VI.
Pro-Am collaboration in astronomy, works of amateur observers. Astrotourism and astronomical education, dark sky parks
Chairman: B. Debski
11:0011:20Transformation of DSLR magnitudes to standard photometric systemMatúš Kamenec
11:2011:40Asteroid 471109 period searchVladimír Bahýl
11:4012:00“AstroSandbox”: the educational youth astronomical project.Vladyslava Marsakova
12:0012:20Park Starry Sky in Odessa Planetarium Mikhail Ryabov
12:2013:00Closing ceremony and lunch