Kolos 2023

First announcement

International conference organized by Vihorlat Observatory Humenné in collaboration with Prešov Self-governing Region, Faculty of Science UPJŠ Košice, Slovak Astronomical Society and Slovak Union of Astronomers, with the support of the grant APVV-20-0148 “From Interacting Binaries to Exoplanets”

26 – 28/10/2023

General information

Organizer: Vihorlat observatory in Humenné

Important Dates: 20/09/2023 – 1. first announcement

13/10/2023 – deadline for participant registration

20/10/2023– deadline for abstracts submission

23/10/2023 – final announcement

Venue: Hotel Kamei near Snina city

There will be also internet broadcast of the conference for the online participants on the platform defined in final announcement.

Conference fee: 100€. Reduced fee 50€ is intended for participants without support of their institution. Please indicate your status in the registration form. The fee should be paid at the conference desk.

Registration: using the form on this webpage

Questions: Please write an e-mail to var@kozmos.sk.

Working language: English.

Time slots: 20′ for scientific talks including discussion; 5′ for poster presentations.

Local Organizing Committee:

Pavol A. Dubovský
Robert Adam
Peter Mikloš
Edita Macejková
Tomáš Medulka

Following is the official invitation: