On the days of October 26th to October 28th, 2023, the Vihorlat Observatory in Humenné organized a traditional conference called “Kolos.” The co-organizers were the Slovak Astronomical Society, the Slovak Union of Astronomers, the Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and the Slovak Central Observatory. It took place as part of the project solution APVV-20-0148 “From Interacting Binaries to Exoplanets.” The event was marked by a rich autumn in astronomy in Slovakia. Especially astronomers who had participated in a large conference on the use of small telescopes in the Tatra Mountains in September did not find a reason to travel to another conference of similar focus. However, some still came. Kolos essentially became a meeting of institutions involved in the mentioned APVV grant project. These institutions included the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (AsÚ SAV), the Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (PF UPJŠ), and the Vihorlatská Observatory in Humenné (VH). The event also featured several personalities from Poland and amateur astronomers. In total, 25 astronomers attended the conference. From a national perspective, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, and Russia were represented. There were 12 oral scientific presentations and 4 poster presentations. The program took place at the Astronomical Observatory on Kolonica Saddle and in the premises of the Armales Hotel in Stakčín.
Continue reading “Kolos 2023 report”Kolos 2023 announcement
The first announcement of the this year edition of the conference was launched. The registration is closed now. We are still waiting for the abstracts from active participants. The program of the conference will appear soon.
Conference Proceedings
The talks and posters presented at the conference can be published in the Open European Journal on Variable Stars. If you wish to do it, please follow the guidelines and use the templates available at https://oejv.physics.muni.cz/templates/. Submit your work as an attachment of an e-mail message to var (at) kozmos.sk no later than January 15, 2023. Then all manuscripts will pass the standard reviewing process of the journal.
Presentations published
Kolos 2022 – successful restart
Successful restart after 2020 without conference and 2021 in online form. This was the final word of interim Vihorlat Observatory director Peter Mikloš.
The next conference in middle Europe is the 54th meeting of Variable Star Research.
Important dates
08/09/2022 – 1. first announcement
12/10/2022 – deadline for participant registration
19/10/2022 – deadline for abstracts submission
23/10/2022 – final announcement
26/10/2022 – start of the conference
28/10/2022 – end of the conference